With the advent of Giga Casting (our compliments to those who had the intuition and courage to be pioneers, from the creation of the first Giga Press, to the related peripherals), the application philosophy of lubricants for Giga-molds was put to the test, demonstrating effectiveness even with casting and mold dimensions never seen before. Moltultech Baraldi did not miss the opportunity to field test what it had developed over the last decade, achieving all the objectives that the work team had set for itself. There are moments when we need to seize the moment and the Giga Presses represent, in die casting, one of those moments, testing all the process technologies, including the lubrication of the molds. We would like to underline that we are currently very active in China, where significant investments are being made in this market segment. While approaching this topic with caution and confidentiality, we have found environments in China that are very receptive and open to process and product innovations. It is precisely in this Asian country where we perceived the greatest interest in deepening our working methodology and the possibility of applying it to a variety of unrivaled pieces. This experience allows us to deal with competence and professionalism with the requests that are also increasingly coming from Europe.
For more information on CASTING LINE lubricants: https://www.baraldi.com/en/contatti